Wee Willie Winkie......

Today during my daily visit to my lottie, I had a senior moment. It's a bit of a worry, but I'll share it with you because I reckon the ol' grey matter occasionally starts to get a bit dodgy for a few people my age and hopefully you'll be able to identify with such a daft act - please nod sympathetically otherwise. I always have loads of things swimming around in my head. Lists of stuff to do, people to see, things to cook,seeds to sow, weeding, the next meal to plan out etc,. So much so, I forgot to switch my slippers for my wellies and trudged happily and comfortably to my veg patch. What am I like? Oh well, at least my feet were kept warm. A real 'Wiltshire Wee Wilamena Winkie' - but without my nightcap and dressing gown! Now that would have worried me.

The wanderer returns...again.

So, eight months have gone by. Have I been sat here twiddling my thumbs? Nope, don't think so. It's been an exciting time in the Wilds of Wiltshire as I have been tending to my new baby. No....not the human kind - my new allotment.

We've been digging, sowing, weeding and growing, picking, freezing and pickling our harvests. At the beginning of the year we were given some land in our village for allotments, by the Parish Council.

Taking the biscuit.....

Yep, it's biccie time again. You know me....I love a good biccie to go with a cuppa. I am having to be quite good with the ol' calorie intake at this time of year, but a treat never scuppered a diet in my world. Your body needs a little 'extra' sometimes and with all this cold weather, I'm sure a homemade 'norty' cookie once in a while never killed anyone. I'm living proof that it probably doesn't do much harm.

Hopeless of Wiltshire Returns.....

Actually I am downing myself here...I have nothing to be ashamed about. REALLY. Do you wanna know what I've been doing, do ya, do ya?

I've been living it up downshifter stylie. It's kind of good that I haven't been here to report my greening upiness over the past few months.

Getting meself into a right pickle....

I know, I know....it's a sham, I've not written anything for ages. This is because I've been busy....yeah you know that word quite well, I'm sure. It's been a nice sort of busy though. Not the stress bunny kind of stuff. It's been looking after my lot, visiting my mum in France and making all the nice things that I do, when I am at home for my gannets to eat. Most recently, I've had the land of the giants to sort out at the lottie.

Wot A Waste....

Hello, I'm back shortly to report this.

A good friend sent me this link about food wastage in this country. Not to mention all the packaging! This is food recyling at it's best....well I think it is.


It's quite amazing just how much the supermarkets throw out, why don't they at least give it to their staff? Just get them to sign a disclaimer if they are so paranoid about poisoning someone! This just shows what a wasteful society we are.

This has to be the story of the year for me!

Right...you listening out there? The Book Of Rubbish Ideas will be published by the beginning of September written by my great friend Tracey Smith

I say great...she really is.

Even better (biggin' meself up here people)......I'm in it.

Self promotion? A very small yes and an even bigger NO. The book is a revelation. Read it and be totally inspired.

Thought I'd left the planet?.............dream on!

I know, I know....a whole month without a sniff of New Leaf posting her usual drivvel on being a green bird etc. Well, I've been busy!

And you've been muttering......just how busy have you been bird?

See.....I've been growing stuff on my lottie and keeping a loving eye on it too. I have the most amazing courgette plants churning out veg like no tomorrow.

It's time to get....... NAKED!!!

Isn't it good to stumble upon something? I stumble and trip around a lot......but this was for the better, with no grazed knees!

Whilst looking for a website of kids bathtime washing stuff, that I had not saved to favourites,(a bad habit of mine...why I don't remember to click just one button is beyond me) I came across this great company called NAKED .

I say tomato, you say to- mate- o.....

More like too many-toes....I have a LOT of plants!

In the dash to get just a few things put in at our little patch of land up the road and around the corner, me and my mate had a bit of an over zealous planting spree.

Resulto....enough tommy plants to open a small garden centre.

Well, at least we can spread them around, some here some there and some to give away, or flog at one of the village sales coming up.
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Belgium Cake
Belgium Cake
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